Over the past decade, veterinarians have come to realize the important role that a healthyvmouth plays in the overall well-being of our pets. Dental disease can be a symptom of other underlying illness or be a problem unto itself. A complete oral health assessment is an important part of any wellness exam, but if your pet is exhibiting signs of a problem, don’t wait! We can help!

At Northland Animal Hospital, we are well equipped to offer complete oral health assessments and treatment as necessary, ranging from dental cleanings to surgical tooth extractions and oral mass removals. We believe that good oral health is a major part of an overall healthy animal. The bacteria that lurk in a pet’s mouth may be the cause of more than just bad breath. Dental disease can lead to disease in other organs, such as the heart, liver and kidneys. That’s why having dental disease assessed before a dental procedure is so important. Sometimes, it’s more than just a bit of tartar.

The American Veterinary Dental College (AVDC) reports that 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats show signs of oral disease by age three. In fact, oral disease is the most common health problem treated in small animal clinics today. Dental pain is among some of the most uncomfortable things that animals (and people!) can have to deal with. This is why we at Northland feel that it is one of the most important parts of your pet’s health care plan. Don’t mistake eating for a comfortable mouth. Dental disease is painful! Just because an animal is eating does NOT mean his mouth is comfortable. One of the last things a sick animal will do is stop eating. Eating is one of the most basic instincts – if an animal doesn’t it, it doesn’t survive. Even very sick or very painful animals will often continue eating.

Our dental procedures are performed under full general anesthesia. “Anesthesia free” dentals do not allow for tooth extractions, deep subgingival scaling or polishing. We use safe, up to date medications to induce and maintain a safe plane of anesthesia. Our patients are fully monitored by a licensed technician with advanced monitoring equipment to ensure the safest anesthesia possible. An intravenous (IV) catheter allows us to give fluids and have access to a vein if we need to give medication during the procedure. We also utilize multimodal pain management. Your pet will receive pain control in multiple forms to be sure that he or she remains comfortable throughout the procedure and recovery. Dental cleanings are performed by a licensed technician while the veterinarian actively oversees the procedure. Any extractions or mass removals are performed only by the veterinarian. In this way, we can be sure that your pet is receiving the safest, most thorough treatment available.

Signs of oral and/or dental disease in cats and dogs:

  • Bad breath
  • Drooling or difficulty eating
  • Loose teeth
  • Discolored teeth or teeth covered in tartar
  • Red gums
  • Bleeding from the mouth
  • Behavior changes such as not wanting to play with a favorite toy

Unsure if your pet is suffering from dental disease? Schedule your pet’s oral health assessment today!